Heath Kelly Consulting Ltd was incorporated on 23th October 2019. Since then we have provided IT consultancy services to the public and private sector, and arranged bespoke training sessions with fellow IT professionals looking to hone their skillset.

Our current offering is to market is as follows:

  • IT consultancy services in modern workplace engineering,

  • Statement of work Application Packaging Services,

  • 1:1 bespoke training courses.

Gregory Heath Kelly

Modern Workplace Engineer, product trainer, and founder of Heath Kelly Consulting Ltd.

“My background is in delivering quality services to endpoints and users. I’ve worked for a decade in roles that could be described as ‘Modern Workplace Engineer’ by today’s standards, with a twist of ‘Application Packager’.

I specialise in planning, and executing, the implementation of your desired endpoint solutions, taking care to recommend appropriate technologies that promote a productive and easily managed lifecycle for your end user accounts and devices.

From endpoint procurement to decommission, there are a myriad of decisions to make that have both an up front, and lasting, cost implications. It can be very beneficial to have a consultant on board to make sense of it all, and challenge the designs and expectations.

While ‘Modern Workplace Engineers’ like myself are quick to recommend ‘getting modern’ with tools such as Microsoft Intune, I am experienced at working through the complicated circumstances of each enterprise, and always work to leverage your existing investments in technology where appropriate.

I will be posting a variety of blog materials on this website to draw you into the technical challenges that I regularly face, as well as top tips for starting your journey into products like Microsoft Intune.

Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss the technical challenges you are facing at the moment.”

(+44) 7450 255 139